A beautiful Gouldian Finch
A large part of our team are based down under as such Australian Birdlife is close to our hearts, particularly those who grew up in the Aussie Bush (Belle, Belle, Ash, Matt)
While Planet Decent has a focus on Africa and Indoburma Eco-systems, Australia forms a part of where our energy and concentration goes. That is because, Australia, being a developed country is not immune from extinction and serious threats to biodiversity.
We do need to learn from Australia's development and ensure that we do not make similar mistakes in the wider global eco-system. We are huge advocates for sustainable development and eco-innovation.
Pictured is one of our indicator species; the Gouldian Finch, it exists in the north of Australia and under threat. It, alongside the Clouded Leopard, Orangutan and African Wild Dog form our key indicator species. We know that if we raise the profile for the care of these species, that we are inadvertently supporting the health of their unique eco-systems (across large ranges), focusing on illegal wildlife trade smuggling and organised crime routes, as well as supporting sustainable development in the areas they live, particularly via eco-tourism (think African Safari, Daintree Retreat, in the case of the Gouldian, Myanmar travel to get a rare glimpse of a clouded leopard, or by helping set up a camera trap, or in the case of the Orangutan, visiting Malaysia (Borneo) or Indonesia)
We also love Australian National Bird Week because it is a great example of citizen science in action; check out the concept here, and consider getting involved in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count yourself here.
Happy birdwatching and would love to see your comments below of the birds that are local to where you live. I was fortunate enough to glimpse the Channel Billed Cuckoo in Sydney on it's annual migration from Indonesia last weekend!
Thanks for your time and support,
Dr Matt